Evaluating a women's development program

The National Rural Women’s Coalition is an alliance that works to remove the barriers between women and power; between centre and periphery; between women’s potential and the opportunity to fulfil it.

Hamilton Stone was commissioned to provide an independent evaluation of how well Muster – NRWC’s flagship leadership program – is helping develop women leaders, supporting NRWC to be a powerful advocate for Australian rural, regional and remote women.

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Hearing stories of the past

We have had many conversations over the years with older Australians, including those receiving aged care. Hamilton Stone directors Lisa Fenn and Hannah Holland (writing as Ian) have had the tremendous privilege of sharing experiences and reflections arising from these conversations, in Griffith Review volume 68, Getting On. The stories we recount, from many ordinary but extraordinary people, share this volume with pieces penned by some of the best non-fiction writers this country has seen, including Helen Garner and Stella Prize winner Vicki Laveau-Harvie. It is such an amazing opportunity to be published with such wonderful writers.

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Can our community be strengthened through play?

Play has huge benefits for children, their families, and their communities. However, in today’s busy world playgroups don’t just materialise by magic. Hamilton Stone has been working with Playgroup Australia to help ensure the Australian government recognises the potential for these groups to maintain and build community identity and resilience.

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The Australian Public Service and its Ministers: time for change?

Ten months since the Commonwealth initiated its review of the Australian Public Service, the review panel has just released its Priorities for Change report. As part of its in-depth analysis of the issues, it published a paper by Hamilton Stone director Hannah Holland (writing as Ian) and Griffith University researchers Anne Tiernan and Jacob Deem, on how to reform relationships between ministers, their offices and the APS. You can offer your input to the Review between now and 2 May 2019 here.

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Hearing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders

Hamilton Stone directors Hannah Holland and Lisa Fenn have been talking with Indigenous people, asking them about their aged care journeys and what their information needs might be. We spoke with over 50 older Aboriginal people in places ranging from the urban to the very remote. They were Elders, grandmothers and grandfathers, and members of the Stolen Generation. Some were artists, stockmen, preachers, fisherwomen. What did we hear?

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